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Poll shows nearly two-thirds of Americans support paying for Biden’s infrastructure plan by raising taxes

Almost two-thirds of respondents support paying for President Biden’s infrastructure bill through taxes on richer Americans, according to a new NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist poll.

Overall, 56% of Americans back Biden’s infrastructure plan, while 36% oppose it, the poll found. Support for Biden’s infrastructure plan was highest among Democrats, (92% approve, 3% oppose). Independents favor the bill by a 51%-38% divide, while Republicans oppose the package overall, with 74% opposed to the bill and 18% supporting it. When it comes to paying for Biden’s infrastructure package, Americans overwhelmingly get behind the idea of sticking the bill with those earning $400,000 a year or more. The survey found that 65% of adults favor that approach.

The Marist survey found a slight plaurality – 50% – back the idea of raising corporate taxes to pay for the plan, compared to 46% who oppose it. A strong majority – 63% – support a tax if at least 21% on corporations in other countries. Just as with the American Rescue Plan, “most Americans find that Biden’s infrastructure proposal falls well within their comfort zone,” Lee M. Miringoff, director of the Marist Poll, said in a statement. However, Republicans disagree with how Biden wants to pay for it all. Press Secretary Jen Psaki said Biden is willing to hear alternatives, including other funding mechanisms, but that doing nothing is not an option.

Biden’s approval ratings overall are at an all-time high in the Marist poll, with 53% approving of Biden’s performance as president and 39% disapproving. Support was driven mostly by Democrats and Independents, who fall slightly in the camp of approving of Biden, 45% to 43%. That’s a marked improvement from the standing of his predecessor, Donald Trump. At this stage of his first term, those who disapproved of Trump’s performance outnumbered those who approved of him by more than 10 percentage points, according to polling aggregated by RealClearPolitics. Biden’s approval rating on the economy hit 54% among all adults surveyed by Marist, topping Trump’s all-time high of 53% in Marist polling.

“Overwhelmingly, the majority of the American people — Democrats, Republicans and independents — support infrastructure investments that meets the moment,” Biden said last week. “So, I urge the Congress: Listen to your constituents and, together, we can lay a foundation for an economy that works for everyone and allows America to remain the world leader.” Biden and other administration officials have made that case repeatedly, and while the majority of American adults do support his proposal, Republicans overwhelmingly do not, according to the latest NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist survey.




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